Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Everyone's Gearing Up . . .

As the Olympics get closer, day by day, it seems that everyone wants to talk about it, promoting this interesting new sense of community. And, although much of it is whining (the tickets are so expensive that I can't go to anything, the city is going to be crazy, do you believe transit will be as bad as they say it will be??? - I know, I know, and yes), there is this underlying current of community - a sense that "well, we're in this together now, aren't we?" People on the Sky Train are remarkably chattier and I overhear perfect strangers getting into Olympic discussions on an increasingly reguarly basis.

Adding to the buzz is the fact that Olympic gear is now out in full force. I guess it has been for a while, but I think it has increased doubly in the past week. The London Drugs near my work now has massive displays, and nearly a whole aisle devoted to Olympic mascot "3D slippers". That's right - 3D slippers of made up animals. Is the 3D really necessary? Can someone please tell me if there are any slippers that are not 3D? It seems like it would be rather difficult to put on a pair of 2D slippers.

The other gear is also strange. So strange, I've considered making a list of strangest Olympic themed items, that would go something like this:

1. Olympic mascot 3D slippers
2. Olympic themed Excel gum (to Excelerate your breath to Olympic speeds)
3. Olympic tea towels (which seem to bear no relation to sports whatsoever – it is a bit like McDonald’s being one of the Olympic sponsors, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised).

And the most irritating (if only because they are as over-worn as Britney Spears is overplayed):

1. Those ridiculous red Olympic mittens

I may add to these lists as time goes on.

I also found out today that my work is giving everyone free Olympic scarves and Olympic pins. Since I don't plan on purchasing any Olympic gear, I guess I'm glad that someone is giving me something for free. The scarves aren't exactly fancy, and too small to really be warm, but it is always nice to get a present. I'm certainly not going to picking up any snazzy 3D slippers anytime soon.

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