Thursday, January 28, 2010

And Now For A Little More Transit Mayhem . . .

And in the world of increasing paranoia about Olympic traffic, my building just sent out VANOC's request that commuters attempt to arrive downtown before 7am, and plan to leave by 2pm or after 7pm. For more information, see:

Is this not just a little bit absurd? Suddenly, we are all supposed to work lawyers' hours and if we can't get finished by 2pm, we work a 12 hour day? I realize this may be life as usual for many shift workers, but some of us didn't sign up for this. At least this is only a "request" - a polite suggestions, as it were.

Another polite suggestion is that all deliveries downtown take place between midnight and 6am. I am glad I have no responsibilities related to deliveries:

VANOC has made a number of other "requests" to the citizens of Vancouver, which included leaving their Christmas lights up to promote a sense of "festivity". At least that request only promoted laziness. Sure, I'll leave my lights up for you. It just means I don't have to take them down until it is nearly spring, which will be a much more pleasant time to do it anyway.

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